Bed Wetting Can Be Helped With Chiropractic!

Bed Wetting can be embarrassing, cause anxiety and lead to emotional insecurities. If the cause is a compromised nervous system due to spinal misalignment, then Chiropractic may help. Here are chiropractic case studies of those who suffered from Bed Wetting.

The first case is written up in Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health Chiropractic. A 17-year-old male came in for a chiropractic consultation for low back and upper back pain due to sports injuries from hockey. It also came up that he had suffered from chronic bed wetting since early childhood, with no relief from Medical Care or Acupuncture. By the 12th Chiropractic visit, this young man did not experience any more wet nights and had no more back pain. He continued with care for a total of 24 visits over a 4-month period and his symptoms were reported to be completely resolved.

According to Chiropractic Organization Abstracts, an 8-yr-old boy had a history of bed wetting and during his examination the chiropractor found misalignments in his low back. He received alignment of his spine and at his next visit his bed wetting had stopped. Each time the boy had any minor injury to the low back his bed wetting reoccurred and then would subside after he would receive Chiropractic Care.

Also according to Chiropractic Organization Abstracts, 171 children that suffered with bed wetting were monitored. The average number of bed wettings per week was 7, following the course of treatment, the average number of bed wettings per week was reduced to 4. The children ranged in ages from 4-15 and 1% of the children were considered “dry” at the beginning of the study, while 15.5% were considered “dry” at the end of the study.

If your child is experiencing Bed Wetting, consider implementing Chiropractic care. Once they sleep “dry” through the night this will help them regain their confidence at sleepovers and other social invitations.

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